Tuesday, August 31, 2004

What Mike Moore did not tell us...

What Moore did not tell us...
by Mr Murder
[Edit Diary]

Fri Jul 2nd, 2004 at 22:36:43 GMT

What Moore did not tell us... some people never could connect the dots even when they are in straight line. Michael Moore lays out some numbers in logical order and follows the timeline as the media has failed to acknowledge. For the camera footage he specifically used perhaps not but he could have backed that information up with the following links which shows what was happening all along.These ducks are in a row on public record and anyone could take a shot at them, right Scalia?

Diaries :: Mr Murder's diary ::
What Moore did not tell us...
Google John Ellis (no not John Ellis "JEB" Bush, the other inbred John Ellis in the family tree,
who worked Fox news and called FLA for Bush...

First link of his venture capital firm search on google which the CSpan boss man gave out listed mellon(scaife) bank.

He's so right(Ellis) we are just being elitist to go after his cousin's failed policies.
G.H. Venture Partners, a venture capital firm... other links suggest a vital role in Homeland Security and Patriot act subcontractors but they are a pay-to-see basis...

Surely it is just another coincidence, like the year 2000...

How could we know a monolith-worshipping chimp would herald mars and beat his way to the top of the primate pack with a braying jawbone of an ass and smirk as the defining moment to date of space exploration's industry?

My eyes are wide shut to the symbolic irony... so much to look forward to only to be thrown back. Just a matter of social darwinism applied to the finer aspects of evolution's progress and man's attempted enlightenment.Technology takes back seats to social darwinism every time.

Here is the pipeline trail... that Moore mentions in his movie in the making circa 1996.
Mellon-Scaife was a formative backer of the diebold ES&S trails that helped insert Noriega... Hagel used the same methods here.Minus the diebold office thefts Republicans are in the 40% range for state governorships and Congressional positions. Hagel in, Cleland out.And the band played on...

Diebold was directly involved with the efforts to quell attempts at limiting money transfers the terrorists used because of their ATM market share.

And this company has a list of superpower globalists and names of note. The case in point this thread is its relation to the vote scam that enabled Bush and the money trail that is directly related to 9-11 and the PNAC stratagems. Well the Finance Council in the first of those three links ties these seemingly unrelated elements together directly.

You see Moore could have told us this in the movie but that additional personas would distract the leadership failure of the Chief Executive.


Robert E. Allgyer, Partner, Arthur Andersen. (Enron's account firm and the initial appointed attorney for John Walker Lyndh).Gillespie and Enron are directly linked to Andersen.
Merlin L. Alper, Vice President and Deputy Controller, Madison Square Garden. (Paying the support at the RNC).
Imperial oil,Amaco,petroseed,Texaco, telecomms(Access,Motorola,Sprint,AT&T).

Joseph L. Dwyer Jr., Deputy Director, General Services, and Controller, U. S. General Accounting Office.

Ellis name? Gerald R. Ellis, Director, Xerox Services, Xerox Corp. (There is a CIA firm for you...the best Iran business link would be IBM and IBM-Xerox would perhaps be an item to search there... Chalabi connections?) They are making the mideast theirs and as long as their people hate us it gets overlooked...and vice-versa ad infinitum.
Linda A. Frietsch, Manager, West Coast Operations, Cisco Systems Inc.(Another INTEL lobby)
H. Russell Justice, Vice President, Facilities and Services, Walt Disney Co. (Hannity-Limbaugh)
Charles A. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States.

L. Patrick Deering, Chairman of the Board, Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes Inc.(There is the Riggs-bin laden link via the money trail)

DynCorp (contractors anyone?)
McDonald's, Kmart,Sony,many more to list and the reason the media is silent because top pressure demands it.
Donald Ercole, Tax Partner, Ernst & Young.

Lorne H. Parker, Manager of Risk Management, Bechtel Group Inc. (Cheneyburton link)
Robert J. Smith Jr., President, Madison Insurance Co. (Madison knows Bush bailouts...)
Gordon J. Feeney, Vice Chairman, Royal Bank of Canada. Russell Banks.

Clyde E. Dickey, Partner and Senior Advisor, Arthur Andersen & Co. SC.
Dr. Gail H. Marcus, Office of Nuclear Reactor, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
AMA's newest center, located in Islamabad, provides state-of-the-art learning facilities



New York, N.Y. 10019-7420.

(tel.) 212-586-8100.

(fax) 212-903-8168.

AMA SARANAC LAKEP.O. Box 319, Trudeau Road.

Saranac Lake, N.Y. 12983.
Anyone pursuing a civil suit on 9-11 ought to subpoenae this group...and each company member listed in full for full disclosure and transparency.

So you see why the media is vested in this for ad revenues and telecomm stocks, the military industrial vertical integration across borders for global PNAC efforts, and the clincher:

Thomas F. McBride, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Ingersoll-rand, Condie Rand Rice! Their subcontractor firm in gemrany issues the paper trail and is run by an American).

The First Latin American Human Resources Conference was held in Buenos Aires in April. The theme was "How to Align Human Resources with Your Business Strategy," and the program attracted 150 participants. International speakers were led by Jac Fitz-enz of the Saratoga Institute; Cabot Jaffee, CEO of Electronic Selection Systems Corp.; and Kate Owen, [bold]British Petroleum's director of organizational development[/bold] and training.
South African Top Management Forum was keynoted by statesman [bold]Henry Kissinger[/bold] and Cyril Ramaphosa, secretary general of the African National Congress. The TMF, which was held in Johannesburg in October, attracted an audience of 113 senior executives, most of whom came from within South Africa.
Diebold is vested with the pipeline deal via this association, the media has too much fiscal interest to out this, Bush is doing the Kissinger/Perle PNAC bidding as told. The bin laden financiers are directly vested in the pipeline with Riggs Bank and directly linked to the Bush family's new world order.Diebold was probably the money transfer source for terror transfers.
The So Called Lousy Media is due an outing. They will not do it. Buddhists burned themselves in the street, Ghandi went on hunger strikes. It will take people doing things of such nature to demand action,civil disobedience. Thought King died so this would not happen again.

The guy wearing a black hood was ahead of the curve. We need to start a media campaign to interview him and see he is okay.

This is how much money you are up against. Moore didn't have time to tell this, giving voice to the people who have paid in human terms this miserable failure is what he featured, a story which tells itself for the most part and unites in shared tragedy.

The media is a cornered rat trying to discredit him , and republicans are shying away from Bush photo ops and head-on meetings with Dems on the talk show circle. Nothing left to do but let journalists interview one another about how brave they think each other is to tow the party line...
pravda plus commericals! the best of both worlds thanks to the new world order!

Moore just showed the dots, the SCLM refuses to connect

dKos threads from my diary...

Needs be a reliable backup in case he gets blog overloads...

Help 'preciated...
by Mr Murder

Sun Aug 1st, 2004 at 21:33:48 GMT

The Senate vote record for Mr.Kerry lists nothing on appropriations.
The Senate.gov site lists no votes past the most recent fiscal year in row call forms.

The 87 Billion Kerry voted for and helped amend included a PAID FOR VOTE.

Since Bush's 87 billion was not paid for it has drained quarterly totals as well in terms of interest.

Which appropriations number was it, unless the number is known backtracking interest is difficult.

We need to see the interest compiled plus the remaining balance and have a fair comparison of the difference between Bush's bill and Kerry's.

Finally another portion of the Bush bill included private security contractors for a Florida financial summit that featured strongarm treatment of peaceful assembly protesters. Many of the security hires were alien torts as well. Remember this 10,000 strong armed force was about the time that Bushco started asking to count visa/greencard jobs as American work force stats for the Dept. of Labor.

So we have three comparisons in the Kerry 87 billion vote to make Bushco's lowly deeds be compared to a paid for plan.

Our soldiers still go undersupplied? The Bush bill passed so it cannot be on Kerry. It will be made known in the debate.

Yeoman's poll:
by Mr Murder

Sat Jul 31st, 2004 at 18:34:23 GMT

Who would you like to have a beer and share company with? Supposedly George Bush is that man, but given the following choices he should perhaps finish last...
Tell us what beer it would be as well. Aside from Heineken(high end) or Old Style(my tab)... I'd settle for an autographed batch of Billy Beer.

Who to drink with...
· John Kerry 75%
· George Bush 0%
· Billy Carter 16%
· Roger Clinton 8%

Votes: 36

Who to drink with...

John Kerry 27 votes - 75 %
George Bush 0 votes - 0 %
Billy Carter 6 votes - 16 %
Roger Clinton 3 votes - 8 %

What about Obama? (none / 0)

Personally, I would like to have a brew with Obama. He's about my age and from the interview with Andre 3000 (on the end of real time with Bill Maher)he seems very down to earth and personable. Kerry on the other hand, he comes off as The Boss, very serious which is what is need in the Oval office.

Take Bubba's stick away from him and beat him with it.
by Thamos777 on Sat Jul 31st, 2004 at 22:57:57 GMT
[ Reply to This | none1: Troll2: Marginal3: Good4: Excellent ]

I'd like to drink with Bush (none / 0)

Maybe then he'll stop acting like a dry drunk, acting out irrationally, and compulsively spending our tax money like a drunken sailor. His actions are definitely those of an unrecovered addict.
Give him one drink and we can only hope he won't stop drinking until he's hit bottom. Only then can we possibly stop him from indulging in this reckless behavior. Unfortunately, things would probably get worse for us before it gets better for him. And if he's incapacitated by drink while still in office, the puppetmasters will probably take complete control and we are truly fucked.

Oh, well. I guess I'll just drink with Kerry. At least if he got drunk, his babbling would be interesting.

"Strength and wisdom are not opposing values" ~ The Big Dawg

by John Campanelli on Sat Jul 31st, 2004 at 23:07:18 GMT
[ Reply to This | none1: Troll2: Marginal3: Good4: Excellent ]

Kerry now garners that choice with straight talk. (none / 0)

Bush is the odd man out as usal. Obama is someone to lead discussions on all kinds of topics, but somehow it strikes me less that he would be the kind to drink now.
His experiences with such were during times he was still finding himself and lokking for a vision to decide upon. He's there now.

The point of the poll is that beer drinking is not a Presidential prerequisite. Cart and CLinton had brothers who were great to drink with but by no means were of themselves Presidential.

It just shows how low the standard is set with GWB. Traits you would not want of a mayor of school board member, the lowest levels of Executive authority, becomes the 'damage control motto' of Bush.

I was going to Bill Clinton on the list, after the fact. But he doesn't play in this current poll and his brother is beating Bush at his "strength" in the poll.

Born in the West Wing-Bring It On!

by Mr Murder on Sat Jul 31st, 2004 at 23:07:31 GMT
[ Reply to This ]

Having had the displeasure (none / 0)

of Roger Cinton's company up close and personal, I must warn the three of you who voted for him that you would end up clawing out your own eyeballs in an attempt to get someone to call 911 and rescue you from his boorish, ignorant, sexist, drug-addled and thoroughly enervating "conversation."

Maryscott O'Connor -- Rage, rage, against the lying of the Right.
by Maryscott OConnor on Sat Jul 31st, 2004 at 23:34:49 GMT
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Billy Carter's deceased (none / 0)

which could make for a very interesting conversation, if you believe in those sorts of things.
I'd opt for him hoping maybe he'll bring some interesting denizens from the afterlife along. But only because of that.

(And I'd drink a Rolling Rock, if I had to drink beer. Find I don't like beer so much in my old age.)

"Consult the genius of the place in all things" - Alexander Pope

by a gilas girl on Sun Aug 1st, 2004 at 00:10:54 GMT
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oops (none / 0)

Sorry about that. It would make an autograph more valuable as well.
Next round toast to the memory, tip the bartender, and rest in peace.

Well the Roger Clinton pick comes with Mena Cocaine or Hillbilly Crank. Until the Afghan flights can come in. The new Bush contras will arrange that soon...

Born in the West Wing-Bring It On!

by Mr Murder on Sun Aug 1st, 2004 at 03:49:44 GMT

Post election meme...
by Mr Murder
[Edit Diary]

Tue Jul 27th, 2004 at 14:19:02 GMT

This information should be pursued once office is secured. Diluting the powerful 1-2 kick of an inclusive eoconmy and a world policy that makes sense and limits loss are two selling points of merit enough.
We have a prosecutor and lawmaker who served with courage personally. We have his wife as an opinionated philanthropist/charitable mogul.
Then we have a self-made lawyer, his professional homemaking wife, in childraising exemplary mode. He is a gifted speaker who will make a case for a better America to the world abroad and to Congress within the Senate as a potential tiebreak vote.

Diaries :: Mr Murder's diary ::

The respect for procedure and attention to detail of John Kerry coupled with Edward's ability to state a clear case that can win over a jury of voting peers is enough.
Remember after we're in office what must become priorities:(follwing is my atrios comments post)

Jimmy Carter was big on enviro, education issues. And balancing a budget. Seems the CIA wing decided to push war with Iran back then.

Got ours back alive. Lost some soldiers covertly unfortunately. But he did not get us into Armageddon scenarios and got Camp David accords to succeed.

It seems we made stands on values then. Embargo to Iraq for their treatment of people on human rights. Iran was an holdout oil enemy at the time with hostages. Then our Saudi allies deliberately tightened spigots to cause a recession. It profited them enormously.

Carter was making inroads to mileage standards, and even renewable energy.

The community college here was quite a bold undertaking. It was designed to be the first fully powered solar facility. It was burdened then. About the time semiconductors became feasable reality others took over bond underwriting and scaled back and eliminated the solar panels. At the same time a swath of land granted behind the school powered someone else's house via windmills. The people moved off, their house burning in what could arguably called arson scams... but that is moot.

Just as the technology became 100% feasable for renewables the powers that be bought it up and trashed it. A house ran off power of a similar nature nearby and sold some back to utilities.

Carter made a brief visit to the school in its inception I believe. 'twas a youngster then and missed it. Or it was a person from his cabinet at staffer level who went with a letter from him.
Perhaps you could look closely at how much foreign policy had an effect on this.

Carter's Hostage crisis flared up in OPEC states as these inroads to energy independence were made. The Saudis now run the largest solar facility, and our tax dollars funded it.

Bush's texas ranch runs off geothermals. Only if it profits him is it run. How many millions do they send him and Saudis in the name of "research"?

Carter was an honest optimist , superconductors make this technology feasable entirely today. Cars can run on fully electric capacites that recharge as they run.

Time to bring back energy independence and push this matter. We are at a crossroads once again.
Mr.Murder |

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Drudge smear source here...

Rolling Stone had a young reporter sent to make anti-youth vibes for underdog and then up-and-coming candidate for POTUS and VP, General Wes Clark. He hounded people in house as a "volunteer" and made copy so bad it did not get published.

The Nation saw fit to do so, however.

Atrios had a person in comments bring this source's name up. Since he was prominent in the NH postcoverage as a slimy reverse-spin meister it is time to address his tactics and persona.

(#273) (No rating)
by Clark Twain on 08/18/2004 10:19:01 PM EST

Long time no see all! Here are a few comments to place about the entire Drudge report smear campaign. I believe I have successfully pieced together the alleged "Clark staffer" source Drudge mentions. He is a Rolling Stone reporter whose article covering Clark was so bad it couldn't make copy, so he sent it to The Nation and found a happy format to place his filthy story upon.
(Comments from atrios' blog, haloscan comments section,wtfwjd? was the person to post...thread topic is entitled "Deployment" and it is on Clark's latest interpretation of the Bush re-deployment and its patchwork placement of troops and their families abroad to bases not ready to logistically support our soldiers and certainly unfit for families who will often be separated from base deployed armed forces for those technically not in hostile deployments).

Drudge 'staffer' source for Kerry smear- cont.

"Seeing Clark's and Taibbi's name mentioned in the same day gets my blood boiling all over again at what that fuckwad hack Taibbi wrote about Clark in the Nation:

You can see something in the eyes of most all the Democratic candidates... Not Wesley Clark. His eyes are blank. Like a turtle resting on a rock in the middle of a pond, he simply seems never to move, no matter how long you stare. But then, just as you're about to pack up your picnic basket and go home, you catch him: His head pops out, and he slides off into the water...
For the two weeks or so that I had been a volunteer, I had tried, unsuccessfully, to get a rise out of my fellow Clark supporters. Just to see how they would react, I had introduced myself at the first meet-up as an adult-film director named Rondell Abrams. Massachusetts campaign staff member Dave Rubin, a skittish young Brandeis grad, gritted his teeth when I told him I'd just finished making Asian Ass Vixens 6.

"I also did the East St. Louis Street Hookers series," I said.

He nodded. "Well, uh, we're glad to have you."

For this second meet-up, I'd upped the ante, showing up with a friend: She and I were both wearing cervical collars and walking with the stiff posture of personal-injury plaintiffs. I explained to Rubin that I'd been kicked by a donkey, while "Anne" had been thrown off by one. "Wow, that's tough," he said. "But thanks for coming, in that condition."
The meeting wore on. It was an amazing experience. Here, ostensibly, were two porn-industry professionals, dressed in identically preposterous cervical collars, attending an organizational meeting for a straitlaced four-star general--and no one so much as blinked.

This is not so surprising, however, because paying close attention is not really what the Clark campaign is about. In fact, it's very much about the opposite: squinting your eyes, blurring out the margins and focusing on the one main goal on the horizon--beating George Bush. In my time around the campaign I got the sense that this "blurring out" is central to the thinking of the Clark supporter--a desire to dispense with the moral nitpicking of the post-1960s era and get behind the man for the Big Win.

Fuck you, Taibbi. If we lose in November it will because of divisive a-holes like you and Saint Ralph."

(from wtfwjd?'s haloscan comments via atrios)

(#282) (No rating)
by Clark Twain on 08/18/2004 10:23:46 PM EST


I remember that hit piece. I was waiting for Taibbi to shout "Baba Booey!" at one of Clark's events. That would've actually improved Taibbi's drivel.
grr | (reply in same thread...)

(#285) (No rating)
by Clark Twain on 08/18/2004 10:25:36 PM EST

fwiw, i'm with wtfwjd on Taibbi. The man's a puerile and divisive ass. Just because his anti-Bush rants occasionally coincide with my own doesn't mean I think he's not a heap of steaming, sulfurous, self-satisfied dung.
WendellGee | (replies cont.)

(#289) (No rating)
by Clark Twain on 08/18/2004 10:29:39 PM EST

["Not to hijack this thread, but this Taibbi guy really burns me up.

Here's what Clark's Communications Director Matt Bennet had to say about Matt "Horse Sperm" Taibbi...I think it's spot-on:

From: Matt Bennett [mailto:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:13 PM
To: XXXXXXXXXXXX@washpost.com
Subject: Your Piece on Matt Taibbi

Howard: As you may recall, I was Communications Director for the Clark Campaign.

Yesterday you ran an item noting that Matt Taibbi is now "covering" the campaign, in his way, for Rolling Stone. If you write about him again, I think it's worth noting that Taibbi wrote an excrecable story on Clark that appeared, much to the magazine's disgrace, in The Nation.

Taibbi is, to put it plainly, a nut and a hack. His hatchet-job on Clark stooped to the very lowest levels of journalism, violating a number of ethical standards along the way. Among other things, (as he freely admits in the piece) he posed as a volunteer on our campaign in New Hampshire and reported on what he saw and heard in confidence. He also misquoted and grossly distorted what other campaign volunteers said to him, using their names. These were not campaign spokespeople or officials -- they were sign-carrying, envelope-licking volunteers. To use them the way he did, without telling them he was a reporter and quoting them on the record, is shameful.

Moreover, this is the same "reporter" who, as editor of a loony ex-pat magazine in Russia called "the eXile", once hit NY Times correspondence Michael Wines in the face with a cream pie made of horse sperm. If you don't believe me, check this out:


Further perusal of the eXile makes clear why Taibbi had a vendetta against Wes Clark -- he was virulently opposed to the Kosovo War. For The Nation to hire him to write a cover on Clark with such well known predilections, and then to PRINT the story he wrote (with the aforementioned ethical issues), was inexcusable.

Matt Taibbi has no place in legitimate journalism. Rolling Stone should be ashamed of themselves for hiring or using him. Feel free to use any of this on the record if you write a follow-up.

Matt Bennett"]
wtfwjd? |

(#320) (No rating)
by Clark Twain on 08/18/2004 11:32:34 PM EST

Not to hijack this thread, but this Taibbi guy really burns me up.

Here's what Clark's Communications Director Matt Bennet had to say about Matt "Horse Sperm" Taibbi...I think it's spot-on:

From: Matt Bennett [mailto:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:13 PM
To: XXXXXXXXXXXX@washpost.com
Subject: Your Piece on Matt Taibbi

Howard: As you may recall, I was Communications Director for the Clark Campaign.

Yesterday you ran an item noting that Matt Taibbi is now "covering" the campaign, in his way, for Rolling Stone. If you write about him again, I think it's worth noting that Taibbi wrote an excrecable story on Clark that appeared, much to the magazine's disgrace, in The Nation.

Taibbi is, to put it plainly, a nut and a hack. His hatchet-job on Clark stooped to the very lowest levels of journalism, violating a number of ethical standards along the way. Among other things, (as he freely admits in the piece) he posed as a volunteer on our campaign in New Hampshire and reported on what he saw and heard in confidence. He also misquoted and grossly distorted what other campaign volunteers said to him, using their names. These were not campaign spokespeople or officials -- they were sign-carrying, envelope-licking volunteers. To use them the way he did, without telling them he was a reporter and quoting them on the record, is shameful.

Moreover, this is the same "reporter" who, as editor of a loony ex-pat magazine in Russia called "the eXile", once hit NY Times correspondence Michael Wines in the face with a cream pie made of horse sperm. If you don't believe me, check this out:


Further perusal of the eXile makes clear why Taibbi had a vendetta against Wes Clark -- he was virulently opposed to the Kosovo War. For The Nation to hire him to write a cover on Clark with such well known predilections, and then to PRINT the story he wrote (with the aforementioned ethical issues), was inexcusable.

Matt Taibbi has no place in legitimate journalism. Rolling Stone should be ashamed of themselves for hiring or using him. Feel free to use any of this on the record if you write a follow-up.

Matt Bennett

Hey guys- NH was where the Kerry intern rumor froma "Clark staffer" came to be via Matt Drudge. I think you've nailed the source.

Not that it came to be a problem, Clark dropped the race offically and backed Kerry the day before Drudge could run the story up. It appears he heard so and used movement to defeat the cheap tactic.

Thanks you for the post 'wtfwjd?' I have to place this at CCN.
Mr.Murder |

"A close friend of the woman first approached a reporter late last year claiming fantastic stories -- stories that now threaten to turn the race for the presidency on its head.

Later on Friday, Kerry is scheduled to join General Wesley Clark, who, in an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, plainly stated: "Kerry will implode over an intern issue."

Reporters who witnessed Clark making the stunning comments marvel at the General's reluctance to later confirm they were spoken -- only to later endorse Kerry for the nomination!" Drudge has changed his sourcing and refuses to name anyone. The "reporter" around the Clark team was probably the same "volunteer" who was supposed to be a story implant, the Rolling Stone salary or commissar/commissioned slander goon of the week at said time...

Drudge and Taibbi, the "journalist" odd couple...until he reveals source and verifies otherwise take it as word. Go ahead Drudge, make my day!

The story itself bears repeating twice. Because his spurrious behavior matches that of Matt Drudge and his attempted distortion of people for "off the record" comments shows itself in his own writings. Technically, since he fronted as a Clark staffer, he could be considered "an anonymous source" perhaps for emplanted smears?

Regardless in his method it would appear he took hearsay from people out of context and claimed official staff representation of such "quotes". Matt Drudge never had the balls to name names. It would perhaps be a matter of civil liability that the lady named could so pursue... another story entirely though. Swine runs in herds. The two biggest pigs on the smear list shared a common venue. Do the math it adds up, fuzzy jacuzzi journalists using improper methods.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Yellow, Red, Orange...'rainbow of fear'

The Yellow submarine of terror alerts resurfaced this past week to correlate John Kerry's great acceptance speech. While reporting for duty as the Democratic nominee, he was undermined in headlines by Tom Ridge's announcements which were supposedly not specefic enough to be actionable.

Ridge has impeccable timing with these alerts, often using them to quell prisoner torture, Chalabi scandals, or economic downslide stories that begin to assert the failed leadership of GWB.

We are told that the information was targeting business centers. Fortunately someone has quit his job in the FBI to personally oversee security at the WTC on this information so they'll be safe...

Why the constant terror alerts? What gives? We do, specifically in appropriated tax funds...

It would appear the Patiot act's appropriations in its summary are a brief sentence to end the document.
Perhaps these constant warning upgrades in the listed, color coded threat levels allow for emergency appropriations. Bushco has many donors to take care of. *And using private companies is listed specifically as a way to fight terror and in fact is called for in the patriot act.* Perhaps such threat upgrades allow the stovepiping of funds to areas deemed appropriate by the Executive branch. To help him funnel terror funds into private business is Margaret Tutwiler the new appointed VP of the NYSE, a former James Baker protigee of the Reagan-Bush cabinets, an intermediary of the original October surprise and a fortmer Communications dean of the of the University of Alabama, a great person for inserting reporters sympathetic to Republican interests for over a decade in the southcentral and south east United States.Her family sold slant-drill oil heads to the Kuwait oil interests among whom Marvin Bush was a boardmember of in the late 80s/early 90s.

Also the Victims Fund of 1984 can be be used to draw emergency appropriations from in these matters. A nice side-note to the wide swath of actions granted the chief Executive.

Finally it is Ashcroft's duty to disclose this information to Congress,with regards to the work of translators. The outed AQ sympathizer was a double agent, perhaps working with us initially as a translator, yes?

(Sec. 205) Authorizes the Director of the FBI to expedite the employment of personnel as translators to support counter-terrorism investigations and operations without regard to applicable Federal personnel requirements. Requires: (1) the Director to establish such security requirements as necessary for such personnel; and (2) the Attorney General to report to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees regarding translators.

So the man to focus upon with leaks is actually Ashcroft at the DoJ. He is the person with the leverage to correct any media disclosures of him. He can serve warrants on these matters to damage control. Someone beneath him is probably the smoking gun, and he could be implicated as a racketeer abetting this.