Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Polling Standards for GWB.

We've been told often that more persons would rather have a beer with George Bush. than any other politician. Perhaps those who believe David Broder is a Man of the People feel this way.

Most Americans clearly despise the notion, or harbor a chance to tell him how poor a supposed leader he is given such a chance, or would only the on the notion Bush is buying. Or they're too proud to even make that part of the arrangement and prefer to go dutch so they can the enjoy the brand of beer as they do their own opinion, and not feel obligated to associate loyalty or respect position in the company of thier own valued time to enjoy drink.

So let us forego the notion most Americans would want to have a beer with George Bush. Granted it would perhaps be the most benign that man could be depicted, minus driving inferiority and Oedipal motivations he apparently harbors or projects as motivation.

The more important issue is would you let the man have your car keys? Friends don't let friends drive drunk. Would most Americans trust the President to drive their car?